Design Sprint Kit

Stakeholder Review

Get feedback from leadership

Ideally, you’d have your stakeholder (CEO or Decider) participate in the entire Sprint. Obviously that’s not always possible, but getting as much participation as possible can go a long way towards greenlighting the solutions discovered in Sprints. Remember, we consider anyone who can flat out reject the ideas and deliverables generated in the Sprint to be a stakeholder. At the very least, we recommend including stakeholders in the planning process prior to the Sprint, validating the Sprint Challenge and the goals as early as possible, and then building in stakeholder check-ins throughout the process. You can schedule a check in at the end of the Sketch phase or as part of the Decide phase in order to get input early.

If possible, have the stakeholders come for 30 minutes and provide feedback for the prototypes or early sketched concepts.



Time: 30 min
Activity: Group

  1. Schedule the review session as early as possible to make sure your stakeholder can fit it into their calendar.
  2. If you are scheduling the review at the end of the Sprint, schedule it after User Sessions so you can share the results and help the stakeholder understand the user feedback
  3. Putting together a well crafted presentation of the prototypes and user feedback can help make this review go smoothly.